Learn what you need to know about wills and estates.
Navigating Estate Administration – “Life, Loss and Legacy” Podcast
In Episode 6 of the “Life, Loss and Legacy” podcast, Kelly Gatehouse of Nurture Law joined hosted by Jordan Vaka from Planning Solo. Listeners were …
Do I need to update my will after separation or divorce?
Do I need to update my will after separation or divorce? Separating can be incredibly stressful and there are many things to think about such …
Making a claim on superannuation death benefits
Superannuation death benefits can be substantial, and people often don’t realise that there is life insurance attached to their superannuation. When someone has not made …
What happens to superannuation when someone dies?
When a person dies, their superannuation does not automatically form part of their estate. Unless a person has nominated a beneficiary, then the superannuation fund …
What is a valid Will?
In Queensland, for a will to meet the formal requirements of a valid will, the will must be in writing, signed by the will maker …
What happens when someone dies without a Will?
When someone dies without a will they are said to have died ‘intestate’. In each jurisdiction in Australia, there are intestacy rules that stipulate how …
Do you have an up to date Will?
More than 50% of Australians don’t have a Will and more than half of those who do acknowledge it needs updating. Estate Planning in …
Three ways a will can be challenged
The reasons estates are challenged are as wide-ranging as families and relationships are diverse. Commonly estate disputes involve blended families (i.e. second spouse or step-children), children that haven’t …
Stuck deciding who your executor should be?
Choosing an executor is difficult and one of the most important decisions you will need to make when making a will. To put it simply, …
What is probate? Why do I need probate?
Probate is a document that is granted by the Supreme Court of Queensland to an executor. Executors appointed in a will can apply for probate …